As you would expect, the current edition of the 'On Tap' highlights saving water.
The newsletter is delivered to more than 160,000 households within the District's service territory, and this issue is full of ways to help you save water. In addition, it shows you how to read your meter.
The whole idea of the current issue is to stretch the water supply during the drought.
For example: Did you know that most households can reduce their landscape watering by 50 percent or more with little damage to their plants?
Or that many trees and shrubs can survive with a deep soaking of water one day a month in the summer?
Or CCWD Water Suveyors will come out to your home and help you tweak your irrigation system to save water? If you're interested, all the information you need is here.
How about that high-efficiency washing machines use 50 percent less water and energy than older models.
All this, and more, is in the latest edition of CCWD's On Tap.
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