Monday, June 8, 2009

Some Good Tips To Save Water

Here are a few actions you can take to meet the goal of CCWD's Drought Management Program.

# Reduce the number of lawn and landscape watering days per week. Landscape irrigation accounts for more than half of most residential customers use.

# Mulch your shrub areas and deep-soak them monthly only. Get discounts on mulch through our Mulch, Mulch, Mulch program,.

# Replace inefficient fixtures such as toilets, washers and showerheads. Check for rebates at

# Stress your lawn areas. Lawns use the most water and are the easiest to come back.

To receive current drought information sign up for the CCWD Conservation E-Newsletter. For questions on water conservation programs, in-home surveys and rebates call 925-688-8320. For questions on your water allocation call the drought help line at 925-688-8009


  1. Great Tips! Today when fresh water level in Southern California has dropped alarmingly, the need to spread awareness on water conservation is all the more important. In fact also has a very good section on how to save water at work and home - . These tips not only save gallons of water every day, but are also inexpensive and easy to implement. Hope these are useful too!

  2. Check out

    This is a great water conservation device for leaking toilets which are th eleading cause of inefficient water use inside the home. It is a great way to do your part to conserve water, and save money on your water bill in this economy! Made of recyclable material, and fully manufactured, tested and developed in the USA. Makes you feel good about buying this great product!
