CCWD General Manager Walther J. Bishop will be one of four speakers at a Commonwealth Club presentation titled "California Parched: The Future of Water Policy in California" on June 25 in Lafayette.
Mr. Bishop will be joined by: Charles Hoppin, Chairman, State Water Resources Control Board; Richard Howitt, Professor and Department Chair, Agricultural and Resource Economics, UC Davis; and Mark Schlosberg, California Director, Food & Water Watch.
Mike Taugher, Environmental Reporter for the Contra Costa Times, will be the moderator.
Mr. Bishop has been the General Manager of the Contra Costa Water District since 1992.
He is well known for his active leadership role in state and national water issues. At a national level, he has served an important role in shaping drinking water policy. He currently is a member of American Water Works Association’s (AWWA) Water Utility Council, International Council and Strategic Planning Committee. In 2004, he was elected Chair of the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF), the largest research organization dedicated to drinking water. He served on the AWWA Board of Directors and Executive Committee during his three-year term as the AwwaRF Chair.
He has been a two-term member of the National Drinking Water Advisory Council, which is chartered by Congress to advise the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on national drinking water policy. Mr. Bishop formed and then chaired the Leadership Center at the University of North Carolina School of Business for five years.
Look up local city information on drought plans
Some of the cities within the Contra Costa Water District have started their own water conservation plans. If you live in one of these cities, take a look to make sure you understand the water savings goals you're expected to meet.
City of Martinez
City of Pittsburg
City of Antioch
Diablo Water District
Golden State Water Company (Bay Point)
Mulching Essential To Saving Water Outside
Mulching is essential to the survival of your landscape during a drought. Mulch will reduce the amount of water that evaporates from your soil, greatly reducing your need to water your plants. Mulch also provides nutrients to sandy soil and improves its ability to hold water.
Roots like mulch. Mulch acts as an insulating layer on top of soil, keeping it cooler in the summer.
Gardeners like mulch. Mulch keeps weeds down, and the weeds that do grow are much easier to pull.
CCWD has introduced a mulch program providing coupons to save on mulch purchases from local nurseries and landscape material suppliers. Select a mulch supplier from our Web site, www.ccwater.com/conserve/mulch.asp, print out a coupon and save on your next mulch purchase!
For more drought survival tips, go to www.ccwater.com/conserve or check with your local water provider. For questions on the drought management program or your water allocation call the drought help line at 925-688-8009.
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