The temperatures in eastern and central Contra Costa County are expected to warm up to normal for this time of year...but summer weather is not the time to pour a lot of water on your garden.
Even though it's warming up, don't go crazy and put extra water on your plants and lawn. We're still in a drought, and for most people most savings will come from watering their yards wisely and frugally.
Water Conservation Specialist Bob Eagle says the important thing is to stick to your schedule of watering early in the morning and for short cycles. Your lawn and plants will be fine in the warmer weather. "Don't overreact," warns Bob.
If you've been watering early and in short cycles, Bob said your plants and lawn will have developed the deep roots needed to stay healthy for the sunny weather. If you haven't been following these practices, it's a good time to start.
For more information on landscape irrigating, please look here. If you need a quick guide, we have 10 helpful tips here.
Some Folks Are Slipping On Following Water Rules
Our Water Surveyors are starting to see more instances of people forgetting the "Prohibited Uses of Water" during the District's Drought Management Program.
You can't wash your driveways, sidewalks and parkways with water, use a broom instead.
You also can't have excessive flooding or runoff of water. Keep sprinklers pointed in the right direction, don't over water.
If you're washing your car, trailer or boat, you must have a hose with with a shut off nozzle attached.
Look for the complete list of prohibited uses of water here.
See Water Waste? Call Our Water Savings Team at (925) 688-8044
If you suspect water waste in your neighborhood, call our CCWD Water Savings Team at (925) 688-8044 or send us an e-mail at jfreschi@ccwater.com.
Make sure to let us know what's happening, where , what time it's happening, and any other details that may help us solve the problem.
We've received hundreds of calls since the team was formed earlier this year, and we check up on each call. We talk to the people involved, and in most cases all it takes is a little education and the problem is solved.
Drought Management Program In Four Languages
We have now printed the Drought Management Program in four different languages: Spanish, Farsi, Tagalog and Chinese. Look here to download them.
Conservation Tip for June: Raise the lawn mowing height to 2-1/2” – 3”. This keeps lawns looking better all summer and saves water.
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