Water & Money Saving Coupons Return
Two of CCWD's popular water and money saving programs from last year have returned.
The Smart Wash Car Wash program -- which gives discounts at car washes that recycle water -- returns with coupons for 11 local car washes. Print the coupons, get your car washed, save money and water.
Our "Mulch, Mulch, Mulch" program also returns with coupons for garden centers throughout the East Bay. Mulch is the easiest way to save water in your garden, it also keeps weeds down.
It's all pretty easy.
Keep Sprinklers Turned Off Until Rains Pass
There's been no need to irrigate your yards the past few weeks, with continuing rain storms in the area.
So keep them off until the rain passess. In April, we recommend watering your lawns & high water use plants to days per week.
Trees, shrubs and groundcover only needs one day per week.
Trees, Shrubs, and Groundcovers - 1 day per week
Conservation Tip - This is a perfect time to inspect your sprinkler system for problems... and get them fixed.
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