Monday, April 27, 2009

Tips From Our Customers For Saving Water

With California suffering from drought conditions, the Contra Costa Water District offers weekly tips on using water wisely.

CCWD has had its water supply reduced by its supplier, the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation. CCWD has planned for a reduction and has secured additional water to make up most of the reduction, however, to meet the full reduction, CCWD is asking its customers to reduce until further notice.

Residential customers are asked to reduce water use compared to their historical use. CCWD recently sent a letter to all customers showing their individual water budgets to meet the reduction goal.

We have received great suggestions from many customers on how to reduce. Here are just a few:

# Water one less day than normal.

# Reduce the number of minutes on the irrigation schedule by 15 percent.

# Cut the water on a lawn that needs to be replaced by adding drought-tolerant plants.

# Replace that old water-guzzling toilet with a new high-efficiency toilet. (CCWD and other water providers have rebates.)

# Install a high-efficiency shower head (CCWD has free shower heads, just stop by our office at 1331 Concord Ave. between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.).

# Read your water meter every few weeks to monitor usage. CCWD has a tip sheet for this, where we do the math, and a video as well.

For more conservation information and drought survival tips, visit

1 comment:

  1. Those were some great suggestions! Here are some more:
