Thursday, September 1, 2011

Turn Those Sprinklers Down A Little

The days are getting shorter, and that means you may consider turning down your automatic sprinklers a bit.

CCWD recommends watering your lawn three days per week, shrubs and trees one to two days per week.

This is just a slight change from July and August, the months when most yards need the most water.

There may be some hot days left in this unusual summer. Unless your yard gets cooked, you probably don’t need to add more water past our recommendation for the month. With the days getting noticeably shorter, there’s a lot less sunlight.

Check here for all the details.

Lose the Lawn & Grow a Garden

Our Pilot Water-Efficient Landscape Rebate Program returns, offering rebates to customers who replace their lawns with water-saving gardens.

Rebates are up to $500 for residential customers. Multi-family and commercial customers can earn up to $5,000.

Please follow the steps to make sure you receive your rebate. Don't start on your project until you receive a "Notice to Proceed" from CCWD.

Take a look at our short video, where CCWD Conservation Supervisor Chris Dundon shows how he “lost the lawn” at his own home and grew a garden. The effort cut his water consumption in half, and his yard is beautiful.

Water Saving Classes at Ruth Bancroft Garden

There are several classes and events coming up in September at the Ruth Bancroft Garden.

Most notable is "Drought-Tolerant Edibles" Saturday, Sept. 3 and "Free Water: Utilizing Rain Water and Greywater" on Saturday, Sept. 17.

CCWD is a sponsor of both of these. Find out more.

Native Plant Symposium in September

A two-day native plant symposium will be held Sept. 17 and 18 here in the Bay Area. A variety of organizations will be running the symposium titled "Growing Natives: Inspiring & Enduring Gardens.”

Save Water & Save Money With CCWD Coupons

We have coupons for discounts at car washes that recycle their water, and at local nurseries where you can buy water-saving mulch at a discount.