Monday, November 29, 2010

Hurry! Web Coupons To Expire! Wash Your Car, Buy Your Mulch!

Time is quickly running out on our two web coupon programs.

Our Smart Wash Car Wash and Mulch, Mulch, Mulch programs both end on Nov. 30.

That doesn't give you much time to use these money & water-saving coupons, but you can still use them until Dec. 1.

In the Smart Car Wash program, you can save money and water by using these coupons to save money with car washes that recycle water.

Everyone knows that mulch saves water and also cuts down on weeds in your stock up on mulch tomorrow and save money!

Keep Your Pipes From Freezing

We have all kinds of hints and tips to keep your pipes from freezing in the very cold weather. Just look here.