Friday, November 13, 2009

CCWD Water Customers Have Saved 20 Percent Since May 1

CCWD customers continue to save even more water, and their savings now totals 20 percent between May 1 and Oct. 31.

This remains a remarkable result, and well above our original goal of 15 percent. Since the Drought Management Program began in May, our customers have consistently been at or above the goal.

The savings are compared to average water used in the years 2005, '06 and '07.

Of course, the drought is far from over. As fall ends and winter arrives, we're losing potential rainy days. It will take more than average rain and snowfall in California to get us out of drought conditions.

In November, with its shorter days, we advise that you water your lawn only once a week, and your trees and shrubs don't need any watering at all.

Customers Recognized For Saving Water

CCWD's Board of Directors recognized two of its customers for saving water in October.

The City of Pleasant Hill was honored for proactively managing 65 landscape irrigation accounts and reducing consumption by more than 50 percent, saving at least 4.5 million gallons since May 2009.

The Dana Hills Homeowners’ Association in Clayton was also honored for continuing its active management of its landscape and saving more than 1.5 million gallons since May 2009 compared to its historical use.